- Authors
- Name
- Paul Bonnette
Node.js runs on the Chrome V8 Engine
Developed by Google for their Chrome browsers the V8 engine is a marvel in itself, boasting the ability to compile ECMAScript directly to native machine code.
Node.js is basically a native compiler which runs JavaScript.
In the past a different language (like PHP) would be used for the server and JavaScript for the browser. With Node.js you can use JavaScript for the browsers and the server. You can also build programs to run on your PC. Windows or Linux? It does not matter. One language to rule them all! (That's a LOTR reference.)
Yet that's just the beginning. Node.js is an entire way of sharing code, building packages and installing programs for development. There is generally a Node.js program to do anything you need.
To learn more download a copy and start experimenting.
I have moderate experience using Node.js and it's package manage, npx. Here is so much to learn!