Laravel Full-Stack Applications
- Authors
- Name
- Paul Bonnette
Laravel is one of the most popular, mature, server-side, PHP frameworks. It provides:
- Authentication - built-in security.
- MVC architecture - well organized code which encourages SOLID programming.
- Template Engine - Blade and other intuitive template engines.
- Docker virtualization - testing code locally before deployment.
- Tinker - allowing interactive testing of your code as you develope.
- Migration - powerful support for migrating existing databases.
- Artisan - performs repetitive tasks and commands.
- Mix - configures Webpack to optimize JS and CSS files.
- Inertia/Vue - client side (full-stack) support.
- Large Ecosystem - Inertia, Stripe, Dusk, Forge, Santum, Mix, etc.
- Mature - almost a dozen years old and going strong. See Laravel
Laravel Ecosystem
The Laravel ecosystem was developed to closely integrate with the well-designed Laravel.
- Breeze - starter kit for new applications to start with Blade or Inertia.
- Cashier - Stripe/Paddle subscription management.
- Dusk - automated browser testing.
- Echo - listens for websocket events broadcast by your Laravel application.
- Envoyer - deploy applications with zero downtime.
- Forge - server management.
- Horizon - Redis queue monitor.
- Jetstream - starter kit for authentication and team management.
- Mix - uses Webpack to compile your JS and CSS client-side resources.
- Nova - administration panel.
- Octane - server keep your application in memory for high speed performance.
- Sail - Docker wrapper assists local testing.
- Sanctum - Mobile application API
- Scout - Lightning fast full-text search for Eloquent
- Socialite - Authentication via Facebook, Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn +
- Spark - full featured, drop-in billing portal
- Telescope - debug your application using our debugging and insight UI
- Valet - macOS local development experience.
Laravel/Vue Full-Stack Applications
Laravel 9 is a powerful backend framework for building full-stack applications. Based on PHP, it's the perfect choice for building, testing and deploying applications. Using Docker and nginx applications can expect to handle medium-high concurrency at maximum optimization. Version 9 was released in Spring of 2022 with an impressive array of features.