Docker for scalability

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    Paul Bonnette

Docker is great!

Test your software locally in the exact same production environment as you deploy!

Why Docker?

So you are working on a project and when you run it you get errors which no one else on your team sees. You know the problem must have to do with a different software configuration, but where? The answer is: Docker.

Easily Re-create Runtime Environments

With Docker you can easily run the project on the exact same environment using containers. By definition everyone on your team and production should see the same thing!


Suppose your application takes off and suddenly millions of people are trying to access it. Your server crashes, right? What do you do now?

Time to re-engineer the architecture? Nope! Using docker simply duplicate your servers and connect them to the front end. While you are at it add a CDN to the front end off-load the static content. Boom. Now your up and running again. In fact Google uses technology similar to Docker to run their website, called Kubernetes. Learn More.


I've been using docker for years now. Laravel 9 uses it behind the scenes when you run "sail." It's great and well worth learning.