Optical Transient Detector (OTD)
- Authors
- Name
- Paul Bonnette
Optical Transient Detector (OTD)
OTD was the first lightening imager in space. It was an engineering prototype for LIS.
On board MicroLab-1
Launched from a Pegasus rocket in April of 1995, the MicroLab-1 was a low orbit imaging microsatellite only 740 km high. The OTD was one of two instruments it carried. The GPS/Meterorology (GPS/MET) being the other.
More information
See Michael J. Peterson's website for more information.
I interned under research professor Dr. William Boeck in 1994 to help produce the data processing software prior to the launch of MicroLab-1.
- Use software to remove false lightning data caused by electrical interference.
- Handle de-synchronization of the data stream automatically.
- Handle any data corruption automatically.